Fill out the form below to receive information about joining the CSRT. If you would like to join directly or renew your membership, please access the CSRT Member Portal.

Why You Should Join

CSRT members have access to:

  • Professional liability insurance (available to Registered and Student Members)
  • Online professional development education available through the member portal that includes online training, past webinars, access to courses, and other educational material
  • Complimentary live webinars
  • Access to discussion forums and workspaces through the member portal
  • An online credit tracking platform available through the member portal to manage professional development activities
  • Discounted registration for the Annual CSRT Conference
  • Online membership renewal and registration to CSRT events
  • A monthly debit plan to facilitate paying for national association dues, provincial association dues and provincial licensing fees
  • Opportunity to obtain the CSRT Fellowship designation
  • Opportunity to obtain the CSRT Anesthesia Assistant Certificate
  • Volunteer opportunities to participate in the direction of the Society by sitting on the Board of Directors
  • Advocacy efforts on behalf of members to promote national standards, to offer new opportunities for respiratory therapists and to ensure that health policy makers take into account the respiratory therapists perspective on healthcare policy
  • National standards of practice and a code of ethical and professional conduct
  • Preferred rates for various products and services through CSRT Affinity Partners

Request information about joining the CSRT

Fill out the form below to receive an email containing information about becoming a CRST member. Please note completing the form does not make you a member automatically.