Registered membership is available to those who meet established eligibility requirements for entry-to-practice into the profession of respiratory therapy in Canada. Registered members will be entitled to all CSRT membership benefits, including the RRT credential* in British Columbia, Yukon, Nunavut, and Northwest Territories, and to all CSRT membership benefits.
*The RRT credential through the CSRT remains valid as long as the individual maintains their registered membership with the Society.
To become a registered member, one must demonstrate attainment and ongoing demonstration of the practice standards of the RT profession. This can be achieved by (a) being a registered member of a Canadian respiratory therapy regulatory body, or (b) by meeting the CSRT’s eligibility requirements for registration with the CSRT. For the latter, those applying within a specified period after graduation from an accredited program must meet baseline eligibility requirements (e.g. passing the national credentialling exam). Additional eligibility requirements exist for those applying for registration outside of that specified period after graduation, and for those renewing registration (e.g. remain in good standing, and compliance with CSRT’s ongoing continuing professional development standards).
Eligibility for the RRT credential can only be confirmed by the CSRT, and this is done at the time of application for registration, or registration renewal (annually).