Professional Credentials
The Canadian Society of Respiratory Therapists (CSRT) is the professional credentialing body for respiratory therapists in British Columbia, Yukon, Nunavut and Northwest Territories. For respiratory therapists in those jurisdictions, the CSRT awards the only professional entry-to-practice standard, the Registered Respiratory Therapist (RRT) credential. The CSRT also administers the only national certification for anesthesia assistants across Canada: Certified Clinical Anesthesia Assistant (CCAA).

RRT Credential
A certificate of registry in recognition of the RRT credential is awarded to registered members of the CSRT who meet established eligibility requirements for entry-to-practice into the profession of respiratory therapy. Respiratory therapists who hold a valid certificate of registry from the CSRT will be entitled to the RRT designation in British Columbia, Yukon, Nunavut and Northwest Territories, and to all the rights and privileges associated with registered membership in the CSRT. The RRT credential through the CSRT remains valid as long as the individual maintains their registered membership with the Society.
Looking to obtain the CSRT RRT credential? Click here for eligibility requirements and information about joining the CSRT.
CCAA Anesthesia Assistant Certification
The CCAA recognizes CSRT registered and associate members working in the field of anesthesia, who have completed additional education and clinical training to become an anesthesia assistant, who demonstrate involvement in professional development activities and who display a commitment to maintaining proficiency and professionalism as an anesthesia assistant.
Certification incorporates an external and independent practice-focused evaluation based on the validated National Competency Framework for Anesthesia Assistance. The CCAA designation is the only national benchmark for AA practice in Canada and serves as an independent and impartial assessment of ongoing competency.
Click here for more information on the eligibility criteria for the CCAA certification.
FCSRT Designation
The Fellowship of the Canadian Society of Respiratory Therapists (FCSRT) designation was created to recognize registered CSRT members who have made a significant and consistent contribution to the development of the science and/or profession of respiratory therapy and who have made a commitment to lifelong learning
Opportunities for Professional Growth
On Demand Continuing Professional Development
Online professional development education available through the member portal that includes online training, past webinars, access to courses, and other educational material
Discounts on External Education
Discounts on continuing professional development offered by trusted associations/organizations
Live Webinars
Complimentary live webinars throughout the year
Online Credit Tracking Platform
Available through the member portal to manage professional development activities

Exclusive Offers for CSRT Members
Professional Liability Insurance
Professional liability insurance is available to Registered and Student Members . This is the most comprehensive liability insurance coverage available to RTs in Canada. Eligible members can purchase PLI through the CSRT Member Portal.
Networking with colleagues
Join a CSRT Practice Network, of access CSRT discussion forums and workspaces through the member portal
Awards and Grants
Opportunity to receive CSRT Awards and be eligible for the new CSRT Research Grant Fund
Continuing Professional Development
CSRT members have access to a wide variety of CPD activities and exclusive offers for our annual conference.
Benefit Partners