National RT Certification Exam
The CBRC offers two sittings every year of the National Certification Examination in respiratory therapy. Completed applications and fees for the certification examination must be received by the application due date. Incomplete applications will not be processed; all fees and relevant documents must accompany the application.
There are two sittings of the CBRC National Certification Exam each year, one in January and the other in July.
Information can be found on the Canadian Board for Respiratory Care Website including:
- The Candidate Information Manual Exam application Form Fees and deadlines.
Candidates will receive their results and competency profile from the CBRC.
Eligibility Requirements
Policy Updated: November 18, 2017 (CSRT Board of Directors)
The following outlines the eligibility requirements that candidates must fulfill in order to attempt the Canadian Board of Respiratory Care (CBRC) national certification exam for the purposes of obtaining the Canadian Society of Respiratory Therapists RRT credential:
Expand each section to view the full eligibility requirements:
New graduates from a respiratory therapy education program accredited through Accreditation Canada (or the Council on Accreditation for Respiratory Therapy Education (CoARTE) prior to September 1, 2019) located in a non-regulated jurisdiction1, are automatically eligible for the first write attempt of the CBRC entry-to-practice respiratory therapy exam.
Candidates in a non-regulated jurisdiction who have failed their first attempt at the CBRC exam, must have their eligibility verified by the CSRT for any subsequent attempts of the CBRC entry-to-practice respiratory therapy exam.
Any other candidate from a non-regulated jurisdiction wishing to attempt the CBRC National Certification Examination must have their eligibility verified by the CSRT before they write the exam.
a) Candidates who completed their education at a Canadian institution must:
i. Have successfully completed the education program in respiratory therapy accredited by Accreditation Canada (or CoARTE prior to September 1, 2019).
ii. Be a member in good standing with the CSRT (either a Student or Associate member as the case may be). A membership application is available in the membership section of the CSRT web site.
iii. Complete the exam application and pay the prescribed fees as required by the CBRC.
NOTE: Individuals who want to practice in regulated Canadian jurisdictions - Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland/Labrador.
A current list of Canadian regulated jurisdictions is available from
Individuals who reside in or who plan to practice in a jurisdictions where the profession is regulated must contact the appropriate regulatory body for their specific requirements to work in that province.
b) Candidates who have completed their respiratory therapy education in the United States (U.S.) must:
i. Provide proof of having an RRT credential from the National Board for Respiratory Care (NBRC).
ii. Plan to practice in non-regulated jurisdictions (British Columbia, Prince Edward Island, Yukon, Northwest Territories, or Nunavut).
iii. Be a member of the CSRT at the time of writing the exam. An RRT (NBRC) candidate may join the CSRT as an Associate Member. A membership application is available in the membership section of the CSRT web site.
c) Candidates who have not graduated from a Canadian or U.S. respiratory program are considered internationally educated.
As the CSRT does not currently provide a process for the evaluation of competency and educational equivalency, internationally educated health professionals who want to work in Canada as a respiratory therapist are not eligible to attempt the Canadian Board of Respiratory Care (CBRC) national certification exam for the purposes of obtaining the CSRT RRT credential.
a) An application to become a member of the CSRT must be received at the office of CSRT located at 201-2460 Lancaster Rd., Ottawa, ON K1B 4S5 prior to any published deadlines associated with application to the Canadian Board of Respiratory Care (CBRC). A membership application is available in the membership section of the CSRT web site.
b) An application for the Canadian entry-to-practice respiratory therapy examination must be submitted to the Canadian Board of Respiratory Care (CBRC). Applications must be received within all published timelines. Please refer to the CBRC Information Manual for details, fees and deadlines (available from at
a) Candidates must make their first attempt at writing the CBRC entry-to-practice respiratory therapy examination within eighteen (18) months of their graduation from an Accreditation Canada (or CoARTE prior to September 1, 2019) accredited Respiratory Therapy program.
b) Candidates who have failed their first attempt at the CBRC national entry-to-practice respiratory therapy examination will no longer be classified as Student members of the CSRT at membership renewal (March 31). Membership status switches to the Associate membership category at March 31st following the first failed attempt, at the dues prescribed for that category.
c) Candidates are permitted up to three (3) attempts to write the exam. Successful completion of the CBRC entry-to-practice respiratory therapy examination must be made within three (3) years of graduation from an Accreditation Canada (or CoARTE prior to September 1, 2019) accredited Respiratory Therapy program.
d) Candidates who does not successfully complete the CBRC National Certification Examination within three (3) years, or who does not successfully pass the exam after three (3) attempts, will no longer be eligible to write the examination. To become eligible for the CBRC entry-to-practice respiratory therapy exam after three (3) failed attempts, a candidate must repeat their education at a Respiratory Therapy Program offered by an Accreditation Canada (or CoARTE prior to September 1, 2019) accredited Respiratory Therapy program. Once the repeated education has been successfully completed, an individual is eligible for three (3) attempts at the CBRC entry-to-practice respiratory therapy exam within a three (3) years period following the second graduation as outlined above.
An individual that does not meet the above criteria may make a special request in writing to the CSRT Board of Directors for special permission to attempt the CBRC entry-to-practice respiratory therapy examination.
1 A non-regulated jurisdiction does not have an organization (regulatory body) that has been granted the legislative authority to license individuals for the practice of respiratory therapy.

National Competency Framework for RT
The Statements of Competence outlined in these documents represent the required competencies an entry-level respiratory therapist is expected to be able to perform in the workplace. They also identify the outcomes that must be achieved by the conclusion of the educational program.

Current 2016

Previous Years
Companion Documents for the National Competency Profile/Curriculum Guide 2011
Companion Documents for the National Competency Profile/Curriculum Guide 2011

Provincial RT Regulatory Bodies
College and Association of Respiratory Therapists of Alberta
Saskatchewan College of Respiratory Therapists
Manitoba Association of Registered Respiratory Therapists Inc.
College of Respiratory Therapists of Ontario
L’Ordre professionnel des inhalothérapeutes du Québec
Newfoundland and Labrador College of Respiratory Therapy
New Brunswick Association of Respiratory Therapists Inc.
Nova Scotia College of Respiratory Therapists
College of Allied Health Professionals of Prince Edward Island

Provincial RT Societies