October 20 - 26, 2024

Inspiring Excellence in Respiratory Therapy


Did you know?

The CSRT proclaims the last week in October as Respiratory Therapy Week in Canada, to celebrate the respiratory therapy profession and the outstanding dedication and passion of RTs. This includes all areas of respiratory therapy practice, including anesthesia assistance.

Save the date!

RT Week 2025 is October 19-25.

A Message from CSRT President, Kuljit Minhas from #RTWeek2023!



Inspiring RTs Page!



CSRT Slide Decks “Respiratory Therapists: Breathing Life into Healthcare”


We are pleased to offer a series of slide decks to assist you in sharing information about what RTs do. There are four versions of the slide deck.

  • A scrolling version on a loop to display at an information booth or on an information screen (e.g., in a lobby or department)
    • This version is recommended when you will not be speaking during the presentation. It is designed to be read by the audience.
  • A speaker’s version with an embedded 2-minute video about respiratory therapists
  • A speaker’s version with a link to a 45-second video about respiratory therapists. (An internet connection is required to share the video during your presentation.)
  • A speaker’s version with a link to a 2-minute video about respiratory therapists. (An internet connection is required to share the video during your presentation.)

Each slide deck is accompanied by suggested speaking points and information to assist you with common questions. We encourage you to share some of your own experiences with the audience too!

(CSRT slide decks are distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License, which permits reuse, distribution and reproduction of the presentation without modifications, provided that the original work is properly cited and the reuse is restricted to noncommercial purposes. Slide decks have not been optimized for mobile devices.)



Social Media Resources


We are pleased to offer a series of images you can share on social media – don’t forget the #RTWeek2023 hashtag! To download the images below, click on the image, then right click “save image as” on a desktop, or save image to camera roll on mobile.



Printable Resources

Who Are RTs infographic

Who Are Respiratory Therapists Infographic

Use this infographic to spread the word about your profession!
View Infographic

Who Are Respiratory Therapists? (leaflet)

Use this flyer to spread the word about your profession!
View Info Page